The status handbag market is driven by celebrity trendsetters

Description : Erica Jong’s memoir a national bestseller was probably the most wildly reviewed book of 2006. Critics called it everything from “brutally funny,” “risqu? and wonderfully unrepentant,” and “rowdy, self deprecating, and endearing” to “a car wreck.” Throughout her book tour, Jong was unflappably funny, and responded to her critics with a hilarious essay on NPR’s All Things Considered, which is included in this paperback edition. In addition to prominent review and feature coverage, Jong was a guest on Today and Real Time with Bill Maher.

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FILE In this Jan. 5, 1956 file photo actress Grace Kelly sports a Hermes bag as she and Prince Rainier III of Monaco leave a luncheon party in Philadelphia where they announced their engagement. The status handbag market is driven by celebrity trendsetters such as, more recenlty, Katie Holmes and Victoria Beckham, and now some big auction houses are getting in on the act.

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