In actuality, the Vision faked video footage, making the other Avengers think that Kamala carelessly endangered civilians in attempting to subdue a robot. Done in issue 3 where the cover and first couple pages show all the adult heroes violently attacking Nova. The next page reveals it was all just a nightmare Sam was having while he was unconscious. Take That, Audience!: Parts of the annual especially the 1st (the one with the “true” Captain Marvel returning) and the 5th (it’s a self insert, and Kenneth needs help) “fics”.
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Cheap Celine Bags The Joy of X: The subtitle of the game is modelled after A Fistful of Dollars. Mythology Gag: One of Ash’s taunts is “Ever read A Farewell to Arms? Well I wrote it”, which is reference to a visual gag in Evil Dead 2. Obfuscating Stupidity: Both Dr. Eldridge and Trisha Pettywood. Dr. Eldridge pretends to be an Absent Minded Professor who’s way out of his depth in studying the Necronomicon, while Trisha pretends to be a flirty, air headed TV presenter. They’re actually trying to use the Kandarian summoning stone to Take Over the World. One Winged Angel: Nathaniel Payne, Dr. Eldridge, and Trisha all transform into monsters before you fight them. Running Gag: No matter what timeline Ash is in, Dearborn’s local preacher ends up dying. Shout Out: The name of the television station KLA2 is a reference to Klaatu from The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951). The Mastercard commercial slogan gets referenced with this line:Ash: Boomstick: Shells: 39.99, Zombies heads blowing off: priceless Cheap Celine Bags.