Power Fist: A Santa gets punched to death with spiked brass knuckles. Reaction Shot Recut: The film has a ton of different versions floating around. The Reveal: Giles is the killer, and the younger brother of Ian (whose real surname is Harrison). Serial Killer Sexy Santa Dress: Sharon wears a revealing Santa cloak, along with thigh high boots and a leather thong. Sinister Scraping Sound: While chasing Sherry, the killer bangs a chain he’s carrying against guard rails. Slasher Smile Strange Minds Think Alike: While Kate is helping her father prepare his Santa costume, he says he looks “like a gay old queen”. When Cliff walks in a few seconds later, and is asked how Mr. Brioski looks, he responds with “like a gay old queen”. Title Drop: “Oh, Inspector Harris! Look what just arrived by special delivery, a Christmas present! And it says “Don’t Open Till Christmas!” Token Minority: One of the Santas is black. Too Dumb to Live: You’d think that once it became clear that a serial killer who specifically targets people who are dressed like Santa is on the loose, people would, y’know, stop dressing as Santa. Torture Cellar: Sherry is kept in one. Vader Breath: At the very beginning. What Happened to the Mouse?: Characters set up to be major ones come and go at random. this isn’t consistent with what’s shown. You Killed My Father: Outright said by Kate. Your Cheating Heart: It’s pretty heavily implied that Cliff cheated on Kate with Sharon, plus there’s Giles’s above mentioned Freudian Excuse.
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